Mikes Last Stand

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Major changes to my websites!

My Visits4u website has been a sore point for a while, it just wasn't working, so I basically started from scratch.

It is a great improvement, I hope, and includes a bunch of real interesting home business advice.
I hope this will make the difference and start to get me real traffic.

Check it out at


I think it is beginning to look much better!

Everyone has a Blog!

I just opened my browser, and my home page is set to my 10000hits startpage rotator, and there is Trafficroundup Blog.

The rotator is part of the setup created by MPAM (massive passive advertising machine) and helps me remember to do some surfing every day! I still think MPAM is the best training program on the net!


Monday, June 20, 2005

Overstock.com - A personal experience.

Just after I joined DHS the club, my wife's computer collapsed. It was old, so the collapse was not unexpected. We decided a new one was required, as she spends her life online sending emails to friends and relatives. We also decided it was time for a notebook, as we spend half the week away every week, and being able to access email from anywhere was a great attraction.

This was the perfect opportunity to test out the DHS network of vendors. We went to the

l, accessed through my member portal, clicked on computers and there was a list of twelve possible vendors. I tried six or seven with a simple click, found pricing and availability and quickly settled on Overstock.com

The price for my choice was $599.00 shipping was free, and it was in stock. Opening an account was a breeze, and in less than 15 minutes the order was placed. At the time I expected delivery in five to ten days, but when I checked my email looking for confirmation of my order, there it was, delivery expected three days.

And three days later, the computer arrived, with the only glich in the whole process. The package was shipped FEDEX and the delivery person came when we were not at home. He left my package at the door, albeit well hidden. No signature!!

I could not believe that!!

But there it was, I had my computer, received 1500 reward points, and got the best price I could find. Overall a most successful venture onto the web!!

See you next time

Mike Anderson



Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I have made some temporary revisions to Visits4U

I made a few changes, not yet final, but my cable broadband is US so I cant do much.

Go see, http://www.visits4U.cashhosters.com

See you next time.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I decided to give Blogestates a try.

There is a lot good about this new blog host, but as is the norm with the promoter, they are very picky.

If you have commercial content you have to upgrade, and commercial content means a link to a commercial site. Pretty ridiculous on the web, particularly when they have links to all Doug’s programs right there on the standard setup. So it’s OK to advertise Doug’s programs, but not a personal website.

Anyhow, before I found out how ridiculous he was going to be I started work on my health and fitness blog titled Wellness Issues, at http://blogestates.com/blog/mike3602 I really want this new blog to succeed, so if it doesn’t work out here, I will move to http://www.Blogger.com who are much more co-operative.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Blogestates is up.!

Hey have you been to BlogEstates. If you are into the 3Step arena at all, this is something to check out.

I want to see if that works!

Bophuthatswana is up!

Ok, whose going to tell me if got the spelling right. All I can say is it was quite a chore. I had hoped to get Rhodesia going as well, but failed. So, you know where to go:
http://www.mikeslaststand.net/Stamps/default.htm and click on Bophuthatswana, and you will go there.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Working hard on my new and updated website.

I have not got to posting in the last while because I have been working hard at my websites.

My stamp website has been the greatest challenge because there is so much data, and my computer does not seem able to handle it. So my wike Penny came uwith the idea to split it up. This I am now doing, and I got the South Africa section up prices last night. It is a bit bland, and I will have to brighten it up with some picture but I dont want to slow things down to much.

Take a look at http://www.mikeslaststand.net/Stamps/default.htm and see what you think.

While on the subject, there is a big change to http://www.mikeslaststand.net/
I have added a whole shopping section, which I think worked out pretty good.

Next weekend, I want to get some of my Rhodesia stamps up!

Till then, happy blogging.