Mikes Last Stand

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

My stamp site is taking shape.

A couple of of weeks ago I told you about my Dad's stamp collection. Well I have got most of the stuff I plan to sell sorted, and the website is beginning to take shape. Of course these things take tand the site has a few errors on it and is far from complete

It is at


For those of you who are interested, the stuff going on sale will be mainly 1980-1990 for all Southern African states, Ciskei, Transkei, Venda, Namibia etc. The stamps are very beautiful and I have first day covers, mounted mint sets, used and mint single stamps, a bunch of minature sheets etc. Something for everyone.

If you want more information please email me at ma03602@yahoo.com.

Monday, May 09, 2005

What to do with your amaryllis bulb!!

I wrote this new article on my Home & Garden webpage. Thought you might like to take a peek!


Yes, you can save your Amaryllis Bulbs!!!

It’s about this time of year when most of the spring bulbs have flowered, and the big question is, “What can I do with my amaryllis bulbs and all the other spring bulbs I have in pots?” While I am going to talk particularly about the beautiful amaryllis, king of the spring bulbs, generally my comments apply to all bulbs including the summer lilies, except with respect to the depth of planting.

Yes you can save them and flower them again next year, but it takes a little effort. First if you live in the south where winter frosts never go below -25F. Here you have the option of just planting them out in your herbaceous border. They will die down in time and re-sprout next spring. Just remember to observe the planting instructions below.

Assuming your location is not as described, or if you want to keep the bulb in its pot, it can still be done. First check the medium your bulb is in. A lot of the packs that come particularly at Christmas have only peat moss as the planting medium. Great for keeping the bulb an roots moist to generate a flower, but not good for the refurbishing of the bulb for next year. Not enough nutrients. I have to say, I have been lazy any just added a fully balanced fertilizer and sort of gown the bulb hydroponic style, but that is not the best way. Get some good potting soil and repot your bulb being careful to ensure the top quarter of the bulb protrudes from the soil. Keep the pot in a medium to full sun position, and water well twice a week. Do not cut back the leaves, but do cut off the old flower. The leaves are the food generators. The nutrition for the new flower is made in the leaves and stored in the bulb, so let the leaves grow until they begin to wilt naturally in the fall. Only then cut back the leaves, let the bulb dry out completely, and store in a cool dark place till after the winter.

Next spring your bulb will reawaken and flower again, perhaps with not the magnificence of the store bought version, but with a wealth of satisfaction that you have saved a beautiful plant to continue to brighten our world!!

Mike Anderson



A personal website detailing my attempts to

make a successful home business on the Web.

Don’t forget, there is everything you need for your garden at:
