Mikes Last Stand

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A new direction for my websites.

I have decided to bank on the search engines for traffic, and have therefore completely redesigned all my sites.

Mikeslaststand.com is now a do it yourself guide to setting up your own website, and starting a business on the internet.


is a resource for healthconcious families,


Is a how to guide to make money from affiliate programs, and


is a guide to website promotion.

Altogether, there is a heap of information and advice.

Friday, August 19, 2005

My website - MikesLastStand.com

After considerable revision, this site is up again. More changes to come.


Monday, August 08, 2005

This is my first attempt at a direct sales website!

I have just created a new health resource website.

After months of work and research, I have just put up a new website with all sorts of resources for the health conscious family. You should visit it!
