Mikes Last Stand

Saturday, April 30, 2005

I got my fathers stamp collection.

After a runaround you would not believe, on Friday I collected my fathers stamp collection from the Jacksonville airport. When the dust had settled, it cost me $800 to spring the five boxes from the clutches of the air cargo warehouse.

So what now. I am going to have to recover some of the cost because I am just about skint, so I have decided to create a website which I will try and integrate into the MPAM program of niche-sites. The MPAM link to their section on stamp collecting is:


When I am done I plan to have a website at http://www.MikesLastStand.net which will be standalone for stamps probably somthing like http://www.mikeslaststand.net/stamps/default.htm. In the website I intend to concentrate on southern african stamps and will offer the surplus from my own and my dads collections . Give me a week or so and something will be up. In the meantime if anyone is out there listening and wants some prepublication information please email me at mike3602stamps@yahoo.com and i will get back to you.

Till next time:


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