Mikes Last Stand

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I have a new PRO FFA site

One of the things I have done this R&R, (I work half the week at a Downs Syndrome group home and am at home to do my web work only Sunday thru Wednesday noon) is upgrade my FFA site to Pro. I'm going to try for a few months and see if it is worth the money. It gives me about 60 email addresses every day and so far they seem pretty good, less than 5 rejected.

If you are interested, go look and post your link.


You can get a free site too, but then you dont get the email addresses.
I have yet to decide if it is worth the cost!

I also found a new safelist submitter which is totally web based. It is only $5 a month and they offer mailbox cleaning, which is worth that cost on its own!!! Go to


So my big trick on the next few weeks is to go FFA's and Safelists.

Lets see how that works!


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